Addis Ababa Institute of Technology i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienAddis Ababa Institute of Technology


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King George VI Street, 1000, Addis Ababa, ET Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 123 2435
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Latitude: 9.040386, Longitude: 38.7633221

kommentar 5

  • Bereket Haileslassie

    Bereket Haileslassie


    I regret the time I spent in this stupid university. As the other government universities, it is a well known bureaucratic institution with some politician people leading it. The registrar’s are also the worst with their tiresome service, and unless u don’t have a relationship with them, you will spend a whole year just do one single thing. Overall it is a university with just a name. They don’t have any thing good.

  • Solomon Merkebu

    Solomon Merkebu


    One of the best engineering college in the country with the experienced teachers.

  • Your Playlist A

    Your Playlist A


    ADISS ABEBA institute of technology is the best engineering campus next to mekkele institute of technology ! there is a street in front of this campass that direct you to stadium-> bole (international airport) and there is also Ethiopian national museum next to students residential building ! this is the one of the safest place in adiss abeba .......there is almost no type of districting activity except car sound !!! enjoy it !!!

  • en

    Tirusew Ayenew


    This is the place I have been for five years. And I know it very well. The students and the lectures of this institute are all the geniuses of the country.

  • en

    Nathan Mathewos


    one of The best Engineering school in the country. it was built during the reign of the last emperor of Ethiopia (Ras teferi Mekonene ). the design and architecture was constructed by German contractors. the quality of fields of study are very up to date.

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