Addis Ababa Airport i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienAddis Ababa Airport


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Bole, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251 11 665 6666
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.9800689, Longitude: 38.7989319

kommentar 5

  • en

    Roeland Bodart


    Definitely the worst airport in the world. 1. The smoking room in this facility should be regarded as a crime against humanity: - Virtually no smoke extraction, affecting smokers and non-smokers in the terminal – surely the taxes on cigarettes should provide for better smoking facilities without disturbance to non-smokers and prematurely gassing of smokers? Or do the latter do not have any rights after the making of such a generous offers to state coffers? - Over crowed – the view would be to kill all smokers as fast as possible. Why not put a bunch of “Greens” in a non-ventilated room with a couple of diesel cars running? Is smoking really more deadly than government armies? - Airport employee with military assistant closing smoking lounge door covering their faces while laughing from what could be compared to locking people up in a gas chamber. My only regret about this is that I should have videotaped this for YouTube- it would have been a winner. 2. All information provided up front in terms of boarding gates was incorrect. 3. Security check: - After going to a security check in Italy we had to go again for a security check on or connecting flight. Absurd as these guys usually confiscate the bottle of water you bought at their own airport? Do they not have security checks in place for what they sell? - Plenty of security check points but only a few where in operation; treated like a suspect and almost have to undress to pass. They must have caught a lot of terrorists? 4. Toilet facilities have to be avoided if you do not want to get some infectious disease – dirty and insufficient facilities provided. 5. Do feet washing facilities for Islam religious people really have to be in the open and praying rooms be without the necessary privacy? 6. Ethiopian Airlines is not that bad but if they insist in using this airport as their main terminal they will not succeed. Regards Roeland

  • en

    David Bailey


    It was probably a nice airport before Ethiopian Airlines started expanding so much. Right now it is extremely crowded, the washrooms are filthy, and the restaurants charge exorbitant prices relative to what it is outside the airport. One was charging $5 US for a beer, and they only accepted cash (which is crazy for a hub airport where people do not have constituent currency). They also have one of those bizarre systems where you have to go through security between the stores and your gate And forget having any chance of the free wifi working

  • Juandré Scheepers

    Juandré Scheepers


    The terminal isn't the cleanest and most comfortable. Not much to do either. Avoid long layovers. Although it's not extravagant, the handful of local curios are quite fun to look at. The leather products are great and super cheap.

  • en

    Malieka Robinson


    All the basic services are at the airport but being a hub it is very busy. There are several bars and restaurants that charge quite a lot in $s for what is simple food and drinks. I have never been able to get internet at the airport although there are signs advising it is available. Bearing in mind how much Ethiopia has changed for the better over past 30 years I have to give a good score.

  • Edwin Thuku

    Edwin Thuku


    I spent a whole day here waiting for my connecting flight and I don't have anything to complain about. The WC facilities are clean. There are various restaurants at the international terminal. They have reclining benches where you can take a nap. Security is good. The view of the runway is magnificent as well.

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