Surrender night club i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienSurrender night club



🕗 åbningstider

Ghana Street, Addis Ababa, ET Etiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 92 992 2965
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Latitude: 9.0071343, Longitude: 38.7766578

kommentar 4

  • en

    eyob habtemariam


  • en

    helen helen


    If you are not from Addis Ababa or even if you are this is not the spot to go to the whole staff is very rude and disrespectful. The moment they realize that you are not from here or you don't know what's going on they will rob you with open eyes. They have no respect for women for their culture nor the club they work for. Customer service is 0 whoever is the owner of this club should really talk to his or her staff about customer service, truth and loyalty because they have none of that!!!!!!

  • Wendweson Aklilu

    Wendweson Aklilu


    Spectacular spot omg I was so bloww my head, its was so awesome I heard the owners they imports those DJ'S from north america and Europe awesome specially techno stayel slick. One more things I ask waiters don't have Ethiopian currency she's told me they accept card neither cash so me and my cousin decide go out this spot lots awesome great service see u soon Ethiopia.

  • en

    Essayas Baley


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