Black Rose Bar i Addis Ababa

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienBlack Rose Bar



🕗 åbningstider

Africa Avenue, Addis Ababa, ET Etiopía
kontakter telefon: +251
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Latitude: 8.9907466, Longitude: 38.7837717

kommentar 5

  • Woldegerima John Birhane

    Woldegerima John Birhane


    Chill vibe

  • Magdi Hassan

    Magdi Hassan


    Its a must go bar 👌🏾

  • Thomas Schaeren

    Thomas Schaeren


    Trendy bar in Addis. 1st floor. Usually crowded on Friday and Saturday evenings. Very good cocktails.

  • Biniam Gebrehiwet

    Biniam Gebrehiwet


    Good place for hangout but no food

  • John Space

    John Space


    Black Rose Bar (more like a lounge) offers excellent drinks that are both well made and of high quality ingredients. Serving food like cheesesteak sandwiches late into the night, this establishment that is both sophisticatedly furnished and welcoming to all stages of inebriation. I'd recommend coming for happy hour on Fridays between 5 and 7 (I think...don't quote me on that), as the drinks (which are expensive) are significantly cheaper (by how much you ask? You'd have to ask a slightly more inebriated version of me for that answer, sorry! But I do think it's more than 50% off). Nevertheless, go there prepared to spend significantly. You won't regret it! ...actually you might.

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