La Gare i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienLa Gare


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Kera, Addis Ababa, Ethiopia
kontakter telefon: +251
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Latitude: 9.0094134, Longitude: 38.7533437

kommentar 5

  • Andom Gebreyessus

    Andom Gebreyessus


    Its an old site of the first Ethio-Djibouti railroad. There are old trains in the field. The offices display typical architectural styles of France. The rail road was built both by the Ethiopian and French government. It has been in operation until some 20 years ago. It stopped service due to problems on the road and the trains got old. After several years of hiberination, it was reorganized to be the Ethiopian Railway Corporation in 2007. A chinese railway contractor built the railroad from Addis Ababa to Djibouti and the Addis Ababa Light Railway Transport. The corporation is now operating both the national and Addis Ababa units. Other railroad are also under construction in different parts of the country.

  • Iqbal Abd Ghaffar

    Iqbal Abd Ghaffar


    Historical. Built by Emporer Minalek

  • Luke Pendergast

    Luke Pendergast


    1917 french colonial architecture. Worth a visit

  • Fikir A

    Fikir A


    The first station in East Africa connecting Addis Abeba with Djibouti . The station stopped operating as the main hub of the rail way route which was changed some time ago. But you can experience the place and take a tour to witness the history how it used to operate during the old times. There is also an exhibit of old trains that are properties of the Royal family of King Haile Selassie I

  • en

    Kidus Dagnachew


    The oldest building in Ethiopia. Which depicts the older relation between Ethiopia and Djibouti.

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