Edna Mall i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienEdna Mall



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Cameroon Street, Addis Ababa, West Shewa, ET Äthiopien
kontakter telefon: +251 11 661 6874
internet side: www.ednamall.co
Større kort og retninger
Latitude: 8.9973888, Longitude: 38.7867701

kommentar 5

  • Pius Kago

    Pius Kago


    Been there twice.i love the kids arcade with lots of games.i also love the restaurants, there's some clothing shops and the mall is always clean

  • Hoosain Narker

    Hoosain Narker


    Edna Mall is situated in the modern, trendy area of Addis Ababa and close to Bole International Airport with many top hotels in close proximity. Whilst it is a small mall, it most attractive features is its Game Arcade on the ground floor with lots of the modern games and activities for kids. It also features 3 cinemas playing both 3D and 7D movies. It has a few small kiosks selling food stuff and other trinkets and souvenirs. It also offers skating for teenagers. On entry, they have serious security checking with scanners, etc very reminiscent of airport security.

  • Fady Mohamed

    Fady Mohamed


    In the heart of Addis in a very upscale area. Surrounded by other malls , restaurants and hotels. A lot of shops and restaurants inside. The main attraction is the playground in the ground floor. A very nice selection and variety of video and coin operated games. Has 3 racing simulation games with 6 degrees of motion i think. Also has 3 cinemas. Watched avengers movie costs 120 birr fir 3D movie. The screen was sadly a bit small and dim compared to what I'm used to in Egypt. Very good time for the whole family.

  • Samuel Haddis

    Samuel Haddis


    Mostly known for its Box Office Movie showcases within it's 3 cinemas showing 4 times a day each. Edna is also a gaming center offering arcade games for children and skating for teenagers. Its 7D cinema is also worth mentioning though the the 7D movies were not updated for years.

  • Ephrem Abraha

    Ephrem Abraha


    The only Cinema so far, where you can pick your sit number before entering the cinema. The cinema is famous for English Hollywood Movies. And one thing I noticed is that, if Amharic movie is shown at Edna Mall, it is always the best. Edna Mall also has 7D, shows 3D movies. Children love it and they don't get enough of it. The games at Edna Mall keeps improving and changing all the time. It is the place you can't just pass by. Everything is good in there. They also have cleaner bathroom than any other mall I have seen so far and probably the only mall that hands over free tissue papers.

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