Commercial Bank of Ethiopia - Temenja Yaj Branch i Adís Abeba

Coronavirus sygdom (COVID-19) Situation

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EtiopienCommercial Bank of Ethiopia - Temenja Yaj Branch



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Adís Abeba, Etiopía
kontakter telefon: +251 11 416 7864
internet side:
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Latitude: 8.9978594, Longitude: 38.7587239

kommentar 5

  • Teddy Demessie

    Teddy Demessie


    Established in 1942 as a state bank of Ethiopia, CBE is the largest leading bank with assets of over 487 billion birr in 2017. The bank has more than 1250 branches and 1501 ATMs stretched across the country.

  • Edra Printing Technology plc yonas

    Edra Printing Technology plc yonas


    It's ok

  • Chotbanna Joy

    Chotbanna Joy


    Ethiopian National Accreditation Office ENAO was established as an autonomous federal government office having its own legal personality. The mandate of ENAO is to accredit, by formal third-party recognition, the competence of Conformity Assessment Bodies (CABs) to perform specific activities, such as test, calibrations, certifications or inspections. During the establishment of ENAO's operational structure and resources, the ENAO Council, elected by Ministry of Science and Technology (MoST), will be established to govern the strategic direction and governance of ENAO in terms of good governance principles.

  • Ashebir Aberra

    Ashebir Aberra


    This building is not the bank, the building is of 'Science and Technology Ministry', the bank is the next one to the Mujib tower direction , and it is not called Kera it is called Beklo Bet Tmenja Yaj Branch

  • Mesfin Bekele

    Mesfin Bekele


    Temenjyaj Branch

nærmeste Bank

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