Hostel Ethiopia i Addis Ababa

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EtiopienHostel Ethiopia


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Etiopien, Addis Ababa, BL 03_789 100
kontakter telefon: +251 96 820 2772
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Latitude: 9.011743, Longitude: 38.8541073

kommentar 4

  • Livin' On Spokes

    Livin' On Spokes


    We had been there from Jan 21 to Jan 26, 2018. - They gave us a room without window. No natural light, any possibility to have some fresh air. We asked to be moved, they did nothing. - The information said kitchen facilities, coffee machine, microwave,... Well, there was NOTHING. Either a cook to boil some rice. Just one burner, for all the customers. And the fridge freezes the food :S - Our BREAKFAST INCLUDED, well surprise: NOT BREAKFAST. We paid for it, and we had NOTHING! - The CMC station, it is not close. It is 2km far from the place. 20min walk. - There is not wifi as they say in the info, you have to go to the burger place across the street, if you want some connection. - In the 5 days we were there, there was not toilet paper for three days. Nobody cleaned the bathroom. - Our bedroom had no mosquito net. It is impossible to sleep without it. We fortunately had our own mosquito net. - Finally, the common area where you can find a mattress and some couches, is basically the bedroom of the owners. It is very awkward be there chatting when they are in bed sleeping. - The price by the way, is way, way too expensive for the area, and the place. $20 (room for 2/night). Just FYI, and after to travel Ethiopia, we could sleep in real hotels for 225 - 300 birr ($8-$10) (the room for 2/night), with private toilets and wifi.

  • en

    Ariadna Maskiver


    Love my stay in this backpacker hostel in Addis! The shared room is huge and clean! And the area is safe, quite and super close to the metro ,cmc stop, so from there you can go to the city center in minutes for only 2 brr! Mike and Rosie are running the place and are incredible warmly and full of energy! They take care of you from the airport to the end of your stay! So be happy and relax if you go to Addis and meet this beautiful couple!

  • Wico



  • فهد النقمي

    فهد النقمي


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